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Growing up with Dragonflies and Butterflies …

where have you gone ...

As a native kid, I grew up with my grandmother and cousins as my parents worked. Every evening, my cousins and I will go out and play in the open. We played with mud, climbed trees and sometimes we went fishing.

As years passed, development was going on rapidly. All I saw was the good of it. The Internet was getting faster and more shopping malls were built. I was hooked on city life; I couldn’t care less about the nature and the climate itself. Even when days were hot, all I could think of was the air-conditioner.

I guess it isn’t too late for me to realize that these developments have changed our daily lives. In years past, I could still bear the heat of the 10 am sun; and there were no flash floods where I’m staying.

Those were the days where you can still find dragonflies and hear the sounds of birds during the evening when the sun is almost set.

Now, all of it has changed. The sun is too hot to bear, flash floods are a concern, and I realize those natural habitats are no longer seen or heard.

I decided to join the Green Voices of Borneo in order to conserve nature for us and future generation.


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