
World Children’s Day Poll – The children have spoken!

Solidarity, freedom and kindness are their choices for a better world.

1,036 children aged 6-17 years old from across Malaysia took part in the month-long World Children’s Day poll by UNICEF and Kakiseni. Check out the results, and let us know if you agree!
World Children's Day Poll 2017 results in Infographics

#KidsTakeOver   #WorldChildrensDay  #ForEveryChild  #Children4Change

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Bunny Wira

champion for children, hero in disguise. I love kangkung!
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PH Wong
November 18, 2017 8:26 pm

My wish is that our government and every adult( esp parents) who can make a difference will start listening to what our children have to say about the many plans and programmes thatwe the adults plan that can impact on children’s lives. Children can be wise beyond their years because they will tell us what is in their hearts and minds ..no fluffy padding ..just direct honest opinions ! Then we can plan better for their future with them participating as rightful members of families, communities and country .Cheers to Bunny Wira and all children !#ForEveryChild #EarlyYearsMatter#LetChildrenPlay

Anisa Ahmad
November 19, 2017 8:08 am

Wow what a great change if this really happening in Malaysia. Are we the adults really helping the children making the better for the children in their best interest?

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