
6 Mitos Pasal Vaksin COVID-19… Debunked!

Ada banyak mitos tentang vaksin COVID-19 ni, jom kita kaji dan debunk mitos ni dengan fakta dan research!

Microchip la, badan bermagnet la, banyaknya mitos vaksin COVID-19 yang viral di kalangan rakyat Malaysia. Despite an impressive increase in vaccination rates, these vaccine myths are still circulating like hot air in our community. Ni la 6 mitos pasal COVID-19 yang kitorang debunk sama-sama! 😊.

Myth 1: Vaccines are NOT Halal.

Of course setiap benda yang kita consume, kita nak make sure it’s safe kan? Tapi, jangan risau, vaksin COVID-19 di Malaysia ni memang selamat.

Fact: Tau tak, 3 December tahun lepas, mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam (MKI) ke-10 telah memutuskan bahawa hukum penggunaan vaksin COVID-19 adalah harus dan wajib diambil oleh golongan yang ditetapkan oleh kerajaan Malaysia.

In February 2021, Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan Datuk Dr Luqman Abdullah mentioned in a press conference that the Pejabat Mufti WP actively supports the Program Imunisasi COVID-19 Kebangsaan.

Dari aspek kepenggunaan pula, hukum harus itu turut diputuskan selepas mengambil kira pendirian tegas kerajaan bahawa hanya vaksin yang telah dikenal pasti statusnya sebagai halal dan tayyiban sahaja yang akan digunakan sepanjang pelaksanaan Program Imunisasi COVID-19 Kebangsaan ini. – Datuk Luqman Abdullah.

There you have it. The Islamic religious authorities have spoken. The COVID-19 vaccines in Malaysia are halal!

So janganlah share mitos vaksin COVID-19 to your family Whatsapp group, kay? Hantar info yang sah, atau good morning pics ☀️!

Myth 2: Vaksin tu ada microchip untuk tengok everything kita buat.

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Ok, I rasa mitos vaksin COVID-19 ni over sangat la. Kalau microchip tu kecik-kecik pun camne nak muat kat dalam syringe tu? I think even kalau nak pakai untuk surveillance pun how would they transfer the data? 😅 Kan jarum tu untuk vaksin COVID-19 masuk in your arm muscle!

Fact: Pada 14 February 2021, YB Khairy Jamaluddin (pada masa tu Menteri Science, Technology and Innovation, atau MOSTI) dah beri statement tentang vaksin COVID-19 yang di hantar ke Malaysia. They are safe, effective and do not contain microchips. Vaccines are developed to tackle viruses and do not monitor our daily activity.

Millions of people around the world have received their injections. There is no evidence that these vaccines are harmful to their lives or health. … This vaccine does not contain any microchips to take over our minds. – YB Khairy Jamaluddin

Myth 3: The vaccines aren’t safe sebab dihasilkan dalam masa yang singkat.

Fact: Walaupun vaksin COVID-19 dihasilkan dalam masa yang agak singkat, kita kena ingat, we’ve had decades of advancements in vaccine development.

According to WHO, vaksin COVID-19 ni cepat terhasil sebab kita memang dah research coronaviruses macam ni dari dulu. Specifically, two diseases which sangat similar to COVID-19 – SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) in 2003, and MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome).

Yang penting ni. Vaksin COVID-19 harus melalui ujian klinikal yang ketat dan rigorous. And prove they meet international safety and efficacy benchmarks to be validated by WHO and national regulatory bodies.

Myth 4: Vaccines can make you magnetic.

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Fact: Kelakar lah mitos vaksin COVID-19 ni. The vaccine doesn’t have even a tiny bit of Magneto in it. COVID-19 vaccines do not contain ingredients that can produce an electromagnetic field at the site of your injection. Atau buatkan you jadi member X-Men terbaru. All COVID-19 vaccines are free from metals.

Mungkin you pernah tengok TikTok dimana orang letak magnet kat lengan selepas kena suntik? There are possible explanations for this trick. Eagle-eyed viewers managed to catch some TikTokers using transparent tape or even sweat to make a magnet stick.

So sentiasa berjaga and skeptikal of sensational stuff like this! Especially bila mitos vaksin COVID-19 ni is shared from random, unsourced videos on Youtube or TikTok.

Myth 5: Vaksin boleh hasilkan multiple variants.

Fact: No. Vaksin COVID-19 does not unleash its Kage Bunshin No Jutsu. Vaksin tidak menghasilkan atau menyebabkan variants of the virus that causes COVID-19.

New variants of a virus happen sebab virus yang cause COVID-19 ni constantly berubah through a natural ongoing process of mutations. Way before development of the COVID-19 vaccines, there were several variants of the virus around. Looking ahead, variants are expected to emerge as time goes on. Tapi jangan rasa gelisah sangat guys! Kalau kita dapat vaksin COVID-19, kita pun boleh mencegah virus ni! High vaccination coverage lessens the spread of the virus and prevents new variants from emerging.

Dari menyebar mitos vaksin COVID-19, lebih baik kita share fakta yang sah dan betul!

Myth 6: Dapat vaksin je boleh stop pakai mask.

Kim Kardashian at the Met Gala 2021 fully covered.

FACT: Sape cakap takyah pakai mask, aduhai… Geng WHO dan UNICEF pun cakap, tak kisah lah kalau you dah habis vaksin atau tak pernak rasa titik jarum, we all still have to mask up in public. Lagi-lagi, kalau pegi tempat yang ramai orang, better we practice social distancing all the more. Mitos vaksin COVID-19 ni sangat bahaya guys, be very careful bila baca pasal post socmed yang cakap pasal ‘tak payah pakai mask’ atau ‘tak payah gi vaksin’.

Ok so dah tau, jangan sebarkan mitos2 bahaya ni kat family k? Tak pasti, jangan kongsi! These COVID-19 myths can easily mislead, so make sure to only share info yang sah from reliable and trusted platforms:

Kalau nak dapatkan info terkini pasal vaksin ni, jom ikut IG UNICEF Malaysia nanti ya? Stay safe, stay informed and get vaccinated so that we can become a #VaksinNation.

Heard any other COVID-19 vaccine myths? Share with us in the comments below, and we’ll help to debunk these also! 😉

Read: 7 things you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine.

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