
“Imagine all the people livin’ life in peace.”

– John Lennon

World Peace and Freedom

Peace is more than the absence of war. It lies in the dignity of every child, woman and man. A culture of peace is based on mutual understanding, cooperation, respect, dialogue and promotion of rights and equal opportunities for all. It is the tie that binds societies together in harmony with our environment.

The Problem

Children, women and men across the world continue to struggle against the terrors of violence in their homes and communities. Many are victims of war, conflict, and genocide. A global economic crisis is hitting hard, leaving millions to suffer the deprivations from poverty and marginalization.

UNICEF received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965 “for the promotion of brotherhood among nations.”

Did You Know?

Change starts with YOUth

Young women and men, like you, are the torch-bearers for a more peaceful world. Social media is creating new platforms for your participation and democracy – to speak out and create the conditions for peace in your communities, in your schools and colleges, and in your countries. Peace doesn’t just happen – it must be nurtured, maintained and defended.

Campaigns- Act Now!

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